Wednesday, May 20, 2009

getting started

we're getting ready for our move. feeling pretty anxious to get settled in to our new digs. can't wait to figure out where everything will go. i kind of love unpacking and deciding where to put things.

in the meantime, i've been preoccupied with design ideas. i would love to get retro appliances in the kitchen, starting with a cool fridge. loving the jadite and buttercup yellow options from Big Chill Fridge. can't you picture one of these fridges in our new kitchen?

also trying to decide on some themes to use as guidance for decorating. we want to be somewhat true to the home's bungalow origins, beach-y location, and early 1900s construction (1913, to be precise).

the bathroom will need new flooring. have always loved those honeycomb tiles, but also liking this basket weave option. i wonder if we can get the nice black border put in. it would mean removing the bottom row of tiles.